If we are being honest, Earth Day is our favorite holiday… yes, holiday. Earth day is not just a day for us. It is our mission and our driving force to honor the health of our planet with every growing, harvesting, and production decision we make.
We do our best to make every day Earth Day at RE Botanicals, and here’s how:
- Our hemp is USDA Certified Organic.
- Our hemp is certified Glyphosate Residue Free by The Detox Project.
- We use amber glass bottles for our product which are 100% recyclable. Our product boxes are also recyclable along with the boxes we ship our products in.
- Our hemp is grown with regenerative processes. Every year we emphasize implementing further on our processes that leave our soil better than we found it.
- We donate 1% of our sales to help educate farmers in regenerative agriculture practices.
If you are looking for ideas on how you can do your part in making every day Earth Day for yourself and your family, you have come to the right place. We believe that progress is always more significant than perfection. Every small decision and every effort you make to better the planet and better your health truly does matter!
Here are five easy ways you can help make every day Earth Day:
Support brands that are USDA Certified Organic!
Brands that have earned the USDA organic certification have taken a stand to improve the health of their consumers and our planet. They have committed to refrain from using synthetic and harmful pesticides, herbicides, and fertilizers to enhance the health and quality of their products.
Where and what you spend your money on is the way that you vote. When you use those dollars to support brands that prioritize organic growth and product methods, it means that you are voting for organics and the success of organic producers. Every vote/every dollar counts!

Compost your kitchen scraps!
At first, composting can seem intimidating, but it doesn’t have to be! No matter where you live, there are options for composting. Composting can be as easy as following just one step!
Whether you follow one step, seven steps, or become an expert on the topic, composting of any type reduces waste in landfills, gives back to the earth, and helps promote the growth of healthy living soil.

Reuse your bottles and jars
Recycling your glass containers is easy by just reusing them for additional food storage after you have finished a jar of pickles or pasta sauce.
Simply remove the labels using this easy and natural hack, and fill it with your favorite spices, snacks, or baking ingredients. This not only reduces your waste but also up levels your pantry/refrigerator organization!
You can apply the same principles to your used RE Botanicals CBD bottles! Nothing makes a better container for DIY skincare products such as face washes and serums!

Buy in bulk
Buying in bulk is one of the easiest ways to cut down on waste. Plus, it saves money! Whether you need to restock on oats, spices, pumpkin seeds, granola, olive oil, or honey, you will likely have a grocery store in your area that has bulk bins.
If you shop in bulk with reusable produce bags and store the items in your repurposed glass jars and bottles, you will significantly reduce plastic and single-use item waste. The planet will thank you and so will your wallet!

Buy Re botanicals CBD
Our hemp is USDA certified organic and certified Glyphosate Residue-Free. We use recyclable materials and use regenerative growing practices. We also donate 1% of our sales to educating farmers in regenerative agriculture practices.
When you purchase RE Botanicals CBD, you are voting with your dollars to support a mission to regenerate the world with the powers of organic hemp!

Thank you for your support!
We are thankful for the opportunity to be able to give back to the earth. We believe it is our obligation, and we prioritize sustainability and regeneration in every way possible. Every day is Earth Day for us as we continue to regenerate with hemp. Happy Earth Day!